Hi there, thanks for stopping by!
I am Arwiend Lakhmana, a method actor from Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute, New York. You can call me AL.
Grateful to Suzanne DiDonna and Ted Zurkowski, my teachers who helped me hone my craft. From them I learnt that acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances. And to act from the depth of my feelings, imagination and not to pretend or fake a performance. I’d also like to thank Bill Hopkins for acting on camera.
As actors we are storytellers first ~ we identify with people’s feelings, thoughts, their fears, pains, joys, victories and losses. We tell their stories, by enacting their responses to situations and expressing their innermost emotions.
I’m drawn to roles of action and intrigue. I enjoy exploring characters and bringing them to life. I wish for audiences to presume they know this person and see themselves in that character.
My latest movie is currently in production. Here I play the role of a spy, as the protagonist and hoping that you see the movie in theatres soon!
A tiny bit about my interests, I am a fitness enthusiast! I enjoy a swim, a game of golf, a round of snookers, traveling and of course I love watching movies, who doesn’t!
As a Rotarian, I try to do my bit to make this world a better place with some charity work and support the not so fortunate.
Finally, here’s to working in the studios of Los Angeles ~ Hollywood. With filmmakers who have unique cinematic vision and who are brilliantly leading the way!
See you at the movies!